Hello everyone!.

On day 8 we went to Abdullaxon timi with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.

Abdullakhan Timi  is the largest covered shopping mall in Bukhara . It was built during the reign of Abdullah Khan . 1577 ). The base of Abdullakhan temple is square (39X42 m), closed on 3 sides, and is entered with a pediment in the form of a head . There are arched shelves on both sides of the walls . A high -domed porch surrounds the tim. The middle mionsarai (diameter - 10 m) is covered with a high dome. Light shines through arched openings under the dome. Surroundings of Mionsaray hallway _ There were shops with dome roofs in the small corridors The building is made of brick ( 22x27x3.5 cm ), the walls are plastered , and almost no ornaments have been preserved. In the past , there was trade in silk and wool gauze here .

Abdullakhan Timi is the largest of the shopping stalls and odd- numbered buildings in Bukhara, and it is very complex and beautiful in terms of its shape and appearance. It has been repaired several times , and there are shops.

The bazaar was built on the side of the Bukhara ruler Iskandar Khan and was named in honor of his son Abdullah Khan, but it was also called the trading dome. The word "Tim" means a place closed for public use, and the market got its name from that.



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