Hello✋Today we went to Kamoliddin Behzod Fine Art Museum with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.We all watched different pictures and got interesting information from artist.

The building was consturcted in 1912 by the local masters Hoji Abdurahim Hayitov and Abdugafur Karaulbegi under the guidance of the Russian engineers Margulis and Sakovich.Since 1982,the building has been a place for remarkable fine arts collection.

The museum consists of yhe following exhibitions:1.The "Painting and Graphics"exhibition 2.The"Ancient Jewelry Art of Bukhara"exhibition.

The exhibition is represented by the works of Russian artists:Benkov,Kurzin,Vilkovir;Uzbek artists:Salomov,Gulov,Nabi Hafizov,Sadykov and others.


  1. Oo my dear your blog is really amazing with many pictures ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค—


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