Hello everyone 

On day 6 we went to Kukaldosh Madrasah with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.Our trip was very excited and interesting.I learnt  useful information from others.And now  i want to share it with you.

Kokaldosh" madrasa is one of the historical monuments of Tashkent city. Muhammad Salih Karakhoja writes in the book "History of Tashkent" that "Kokaldosh" madrasa was built by Darvesh Khan, and in some places of this book he also calls the madrasa Darvesh Khan madrasa. The madrasa was built and put into operation between 1551-1575. Historians cite a foundation document written in 1569-1570 as proof of this. According to him, it is said that the governor of Tashkent, Sultan Darveshkhan, donated a caravanserai to the madrasa.

As a result of the earthquake that occurred in 1866-1886, the upper part of the roof of the madrasa collapsed and the madrasa became a ruin.
In 1902-1903, renovation works were carried out at the expense of donations from the residents of Tashkent city. Due to lack of funds, the renovation work stopped and the monument was not restored to its original state.
The Kokaldosh madrasa and the Khoja Ahror Vali mosque next to it were severely damaged in 1865 during the conquest of Tashkent led by General Chernyaev.
In 1886, Russian engineers completely lost their original architectural appearance as a result of the renovation of the rooms and mosque.
On June 3, 1991, the "Kokaldosh" madrasa was handed over to the Religious Office of the Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan (now the Office of the Muslims of Uzbekistan) based on the decision No. 4372 of the Council of Ministers of the former USSR dated December 29, 1990. Since then, preparations for the general renovation of the madrasa have been started.



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