
Showing posts from December, 2022
Hello!!! On day 9 our group went to Toki Sarrophon and Toki Telpak Furushon with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.Our trip was very excited. We watched historical thing and took photos for our blog. I got new information that l never heard before.In fact, Toqi Telpak Furushon is an architectural monument in Bukhara and was built in 16th  used for production and sale of headwear.The building was named   after Akhanin, Toqi Kitab Furushon, Toqi Khoja Muhammad paron.  The diameter of the dome is 38 m,the ceiling of the hall is 10 m, the remaining area of the shopping street is 28m,the width of the street is 14m. Well,then we visited to Toqi Sarrafon.It is the main trading center for money exchange.The building is 8 sided and the inner diameter of the dome is 12m, the outer dome is placed on 4 towers, in the south of the city covers the intersection.According to facts,there was a fire here in 13 th century and that the fire was related to the activities of Genghis Khan. It was last trip.It wa
 Hello!!! On day 8  Our trip was about  Toqi Zargaron.There we watched all interesting and ancient things as well as we learned new things.It is very beautiful and historical place. In fact, Toqi Zargaron is situated in Bukhara .It was built in 16 th century.It served as a shopping center for the sale of jewelry.We saw uniqe jewelry there.Even my freinds wanted to buy some of them. Moreover,Toki Zargaron is the largest and most complex of Bukhara's tokis.In the past there were 36 jewelry workshops and shops in its corridors. Our trip was very excited.I liked today.Because I learned information that I didnot know.It is good for me.After leaving Toqi Zargaron, I went home and gave my mom jewelry that l bought. Thanks for watching !!!Bye😊✋
 Hello for all! Today we went to Blacksmith History Forge Museum with our teacher.We saw ancient things and tools there.I got information about it and now I am going to share it to you.This museum is short walk north of the Toqi Telpak Furushon Bazaar on Khakikat Street. The balcksmith was working on a knife, and using his hammer to straighten to it on the anvil .There were quite a few finished product hanging on the walls to view.When i saw them,I was amazed.Because they were really ancient and uniqe. The museum was opened in 1992, and is only museum of this type in Uzbekistan.We send half an hour there.It was very impressive.I felt myself as I were at 16 th century.  and we took photos.We were really enjoyed while we were there.After that Our trip ended.Then everybody went home. THANKS FOR WATChING!!!BYE😊🙂
  Hi! Today our group went to Zindon and Bolo Hovuz Mosque.It was very excited.And I want to share my impression and information to you. Zindon which is translated in english as jail is located in the northeast of Ark fortress.It includes a torture chamber,shackles and several dungeons And also,it has the 6,5 m deep kanakhona which is translated in english as bug pit.In fact Stoddart and Conolly were there. We watched rooms and got information about its history and structure.Then we visited to Bolo Hovuz Mosque.It was cold but it could not make us unhappy.We learned about mosque.According to facts,This mosque was built in 1712.It is on the opposite side of the citadel of Ark.It served as a Friday mosque.The mosque is inscribed in the UNESCO WORLD Heritage. In front of the mosque is a havuz,and sideways and a small minaret ,built in 1917.The mosque was made from wood.the size ih mosque is 42×10m. After watching mosque, we all went to Institute Thanks alot for watching!BYE🤗🤗🤗 .
  Hello✋Today we went to Kamoliddin Behzod Fine Art Museum with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.We all watched different pictures and got interesting information from artist. The building was consturcted in 1912 by the local masters Hoji Abdurahim Hayitov and Abdugafur Karaulbegi under the guidance of the Russian engineers Margulis and Sakovich.Since 1982,the building has been a place for remarkable fine arts collection. The museum consists of yhe following exhibitions:1.The "Painting and Graphics"exhibition 2.The"Ancient Jewelry Art of Bukhara"exhibition. The exhibition is represented by the works of Russian artists:Benkov,Kurzin,Vilkovir;Uzbek artists:Salomov,Gulov,Nabi Hafizov,Sadykov and others.
Hi!😊 Today we went to Labi Hauz complex with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.And now I want to share information with you.🙂