
Our second day trip๐Ÿ˜Š

We visited to Sitorai Mohi Hossa with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.Ok, now i want to give some information abiut about Sitorai Mohi Hossa.

Sitorai Mohi Khosa is a palace-garden belonging to the 3rd generation of the Mangit dynasty in Bukhara. 4 km north of Bukhara. The first buildings were built during the reign of Nasrullah Khan (1826-60) and Muzaffar Khan (1860-85). During the reign of Abdulahad Khan (1885-1910), a palace and a beautiful garden were built. A new palace was built during the reign of Amir Olim Khan (1910-20). Sitorai Mohi Khosa covers an area of ​​6.7 ha and consists of an old palace, 3 brick-paved courtyards and many rooms. The Amir Muzaffarkhan Hotel here is distinguished by its wide, tall hall, balconies with balconies on both sides, and European doors and windows. Abdulahad Khan's room, which is divided into three parts and forms a room with a murabba layout, is connected by a high platform between 2 halls that are placed opposite to each other and decorated in the same way. The royal throne is placed on the west side of the platform. To the east of the old palace is the main residence of Amir Olimkhan - the new palace has a magnificent arched gate.

Oksaroy was built and finished over 2 years under the leadership of Usta Shirin (by 25-30 people). The new palace was built under the guidance of Russian engineers Sakovich and Margulis. The lobby is laid out in a row in European style. The entrance of the new palace is connected to the garden. Garden trousers. there is a harem. To its west is a small courtyard with rooms for the harem servants. The harem has 2 floors and is built in the form of a semicircle. It has preserved local architectural traditions. There is an 8-room mansion in the heart of the garden. Its rooms are located around the 8-sided hotel. The walls of the kitchen are decorated with gold and silver. On the south side of the mansion was a large room with a rectangular wall and a shelf. The rest of the rooms are intended for bedrooms and servants. 

Our trip was very interesting.We know useful information about Sitorai Mohi Hossa.

Thank you for you attention๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—



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